Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reflection on Wii

Presenting what our group has come up with was good as it let everyone know about what we planned to teach. I think we were a little too ambitious because we tried to include too many forms of ICT in our teaching. Sometimes, things work better when they are much more simple. Do not underestimate the learner but also do not be too ambitious. there has to be a balance and i am sure our group will find it for the final presentation.

this week's ICT was really fun as i really did not expect to be playing the Wii. it is good to know that education has reached a stage where games can be used to teach. the important thing is not to be too immersed in the games, but rather, to arouse interest in learning and using games as a platform is a good way to start. Because if student teachers had so much fun playing, learning and collaborating to overcome each gaming level, i am sure this will happen should children be able to learn from games one day.

Monday, September 14, 2009


3 things I learnt
- Difference between a GOOD objective and a Bad objective
- What to look at when analyzing learners.
- We must integrate our ICT into our lesson and not our lesson into ICT. (The main focus/emphasis must be the lesson itself)

2 things I applied
- ABCD model in setting a GOOD objective
- CL as we critique other teams Lesson Plan.

1 thing I want to know about
- Making a lesson plan is already a tough task. The next thing that I would like to know is how to execute the lesson plan itself. A lesson plan is but just a lesson plan until we execute it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reflection 3-2-1

•3 things you learned
I learnt about lesson planning procedures...
1) Identify the learners
~get to know their background, IT skill, gender, Economics status, Learning style etc...

2) Write up the goals and objectives
Realised how difficult it is to write an objective... so all this while I have been writing it wrong...hmmm...wonder why noone point out to me...or could it be possible that they are as ignorant as me... ; )
Now I'm not ignorant anymore just need more practise... A-Audience B-Behaviour C-Conditions D-Degree...
But D is also stands for Definately Difficult to Define...hehe..

3) Plan for the activities which integrates the use of ICT... Dr Tan says we focus on the activity first then find the suitable ICT...

•2 things applied
1) We planned for the lesson and chose the topic but it was challenging.. Never thought that teaching language will be like this...Make the lesson Authentic... Dr Tan said...
and thanks to his great scaffolding stategy... We manage to finalise on the lesson plan idea... implemented SL and CL into the lesson plan...

2) Then came the SIO... It was so complicated... ABCs they were fine but when it came to D... phew... so Difficult... then Dr Tan to the resque again... that's how we finally though of using template and rubrics in our lesson plan... then tried to consolidate everything but there was not enough time... hah... time .. it is always short when you are starting to enjoy doing something...

•1 thing you want to know more about
hmmm... I think for now I don't know what I want to know... I just need to complete my SeSSion X as soon as possible... so maybe what I want is to know if we are on the right track...
So I can celebrate Hari Raya with a peace of mind... Ahhh...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It's time for reflection!

3 things you learn
- How to write a good objectives.
It must include Audience, Behaviour, Condition & Degree.

- Create lesson plan that includes ICT in it.
The steps involved for the process ofc creating a lesson plan

- Critique our classmate's lesson plan.
This way, we are able to learn from their mistake and input on what we know.

2 things you applied
- The theories of creating a lesson plan taught by Dr Tan is being applied when we are asked to create a lesson plan.

- From the knowledge that I gather, I applied what I know by havin criticizing other group's work.

1 thing you want to know about
- How I can integrate games(WII) into the curriculum.


Monday, September 7, 2009


this has been an interesting experience so far. Ict has been proven, in my opinion, to be a most useful tool for teaching and sharing.

For example, i can use part of my reflection to share what i have learnt. There is still a long way to go and more interesting things to learn along the way.

3 things learnt
1-I learnt that sometimes working in groups in a given time allocation can be good. the time set puts pressure on each of the group members to come up with contributions.

2 -The A,B,C,D's of planning a lesson beforehand is a new one. Before this, i thought it was just a simple job of planning a lesson on the spot. With this, planning goes even deeper and lessons will be more fulfilling.

3- I learnt that there is a toilet nearer to ECL room 4. Instead of walking to the far end, in future, i will use less energy and waste less time walking to the bathroom.

2 things applied

1- Applying the newfound skills to our SIO's was a good learning point. This way, lessons taught will be planned ahead rather than planned during the time it takes us to walk to the classroom.

2- The verb wheel based on Bloom's Taxonomy is useful. It can be used as a gauge to understand a student's learning.

1 thing yet to learn

1 - I want to learn how to play Wii Sports.