Saturday, October 24, 2009

E-Le@rning II

Part A
What are some characteristics of digital natives?

- They have a short attention span…. when taught in a traditional manner.

- They are poor at reflecting and critical thinking.

- They have Enhanced thinking skills by repeated exposure to computer games and other digital media.

Which portrait did you select? (In your blog, create a link to the portrait.) In terms of their digital background, how similar was that student compared to a Singapore student?

I have selected Dana. In terms of her digital background, I believe that students in Singapore are also exposed to most of the gadgets that Dana are exposed to in the States. The only difference would be that Dana is lucky to have parent's that endorses and encourages the use of IT. Students in Singapore generally do not receive positive support from parents with regards to the use of IT.

How might teachers in Singapore today engage and teach our digital natives?

Teachers should encourage students to make use of the vast information available online. Encouragement alone is not enough. After acquiring whatever knowledge that the students might be looking for, they must know that the information needs corroboration.

Part B

As you look into the possible future of the educational landscape, what sort of impressions, fears, or possibilities crossed your mind?
My impression is that teachers would have more time dealing with the more important aspect of education which is not to teach Math or Science or History but to teach a child. What I mean is in Singapore a lot more focus is currently put into character development of children and citizenship or national education. I guess the government is now more aware that the younger generation of Singaporeans are lacking in character due to the over-emphasis on academics excellence alone. My fear would be that the future Singapore would be very impersonal due to increasing usage of ICT.

What might living, learning and working be like in the future?
The playing ground would get much more even. Individuals who are not tech-savvy would lag behind their peers.

How is NIE preparing you to prepare your students for this possible future?
I think it is impossible for NIE to prepare us with the hardware as technology changes very so often that whatever is taught today might be obsolete when we start teaching. However what is taught here that could prepare us for this possibility is the awareness that is being instilled. I find this experience meaningful as it makes me face these tough questions and challenges. This will definitely help me prepare my mind for the possibility of me constantly having to change as technology progresses. I feel that this readiness and willingness and preparedness to constantly upgrade our teaching strategies is the first step in welcoming the challenges of the future.

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