Tuesday, August 25, 2009

E-Learning (Activity A)

Hey guys!
I'll be doing Activity A of Scenario 1, the same as Sa'adah. Hopefully all of you could give me comments on this post. Thanks!

Even though Mrs Xing thought that the Word software would be a useful idea, she should have tried the software beforehand and try to find out ways her students may have problems with the software. She should also find out from her colleagues who are more IT-savvy on what are the basic ‘need-to-knows’ like how to lock computers and fix simple IT problems. But she must also continuously upgrade her IT skills.
For the logging on problems, Mrs Xing should have expected that most of her students are not very familiar with the computers and she should have logged the computers and shown on each of her students’ screen on how to log onto the computer so that she need not waste a lot of time just explaining herself over and over again.
A day before the lesson, Mrs Xing should have gone to the computer room to have a dry run of her lesson and she should have talked to the school’s IT department to find out if all the computers and IT systems are working.
Mrs Xing should have anticipated that there were going to have students who are going to finish faster than the others. She could prepare a second assignment like she could have prepared an essay which have errors on it and made the students use the Word software to correct the essay. She could also use this opportunity to edit the students’ work.


  1. I like the idea of having the 'lock system' put into place. This will help Mrs Xing in gaining the attention of the students. Also, this may help her in controlling the students in surfing the net.

    Also, she may need to observe a lesson conducted by a senior teacher to aid her in classroom management. This way, she is able to counter the problems that she is going to face.

    Alright, good job Hidayah! =)

  2. "A day before the lesson, Mrs Xing should have gone to the computer room to have a dry run of her lesson and she should have talked to the school’s IT department to find out if all the computers and IT systems are working." this is a great idea... good thinkin..

  3. "She could prepare a second assignment like she could have prepared an essay which have errors on it and made the students use the Word software to correct the essay." I like this idea =). I personally feel that 'time-filler' is a good way to keep your class under control because everyone will still be preoccupied.

  4. Better still if the the 'time-filler' given is related to the main activity the class had done earlier. This is one of the ways where they can reflect and apply what they have learnt.

  5. Thanks for the comments! I will certainly keep all this is mind when i plan a lesson. Ahaha!
