During the staff meeting before the start of the school year, Principal Mr Singh announced that in order to encourage meaningful learning using ICT, the school had upgraded all computer laboratories with new and fast-performing PCs for students' use. In addition, the school acquired forty new tablet PCs to encourage learning beyond classrooms. Teachers were to integrate ICT into their teaching for at least one subject for one semester and the school would conduct a review to evaluate the use of ICT and its effectiveness in terms of student-learning.Mrs Xing, a beginning teacher, left the meeting feeling worried. As she had little experience with ICT, she was unsure how to integrate ICT into teaching and learning. She asked around and found out that there were lesson ideas at the Edumall (an MOE website) contributed by other teachers who tried using technologies for teaching and learning. She decided to adapt one of the lesson ideas.
1) Mrs Xing's initial attempt at using ICT in a face-to-face lesson.
Mrs Xing searched the Edumall website and found using Word track changes function for essay edits (process writing) to be a useful lesson idea for composition writing. She decided to give it a try with her class.
2) She brought her students to the computer lab for the IT-based lesson but found her in a fix. About one-third of the class who were familiar with computers had logged on, launched Internet Explorer and started surfing the Internet while another group of students was desperately trying to get her attention on what to do with the computers.
She should conduct "pre-instructional activities. Some of the activities included briefing students, giving instructions, reviewing concepts, and demonstrating what the students had to do during the computer time," before bring them into the computer lab (Wong, Divaharan & Wettasinghe, 2010, p. 141). She may also want to conduct a survey of who are computer-savvy and who are not. This information may be useful for her when allocating their sitting arrangement in the lab.
3) In addition, Mrs Xing could not see the faces of some of the students as the computer monitors blocked them. Two computers were not working and students affected had to pair up with others.
Mrs Xing should go to the computer lab before bringing her students there. She could then anticipate possible management difficulties she might face within that environment.
Firstly, short instructions can be miss intrepreted and since this is the first time she is conducting therefore probably more time will be needed to ensure everyone understood what must be done. She may want to allow them to complete their essay in class and save in the shared folder. They can return to lab to complete their second and third draft on other day. Meanwhile, she may want to discuss their experience and highlight on how she editted their work.
5) She noticed some students finished faster than the others. That resulted in some unnecessary noise, which in turn, disturbed those who were still working. In addition, when Mrs Xing moved around to edit the students' work, she realised she became the bottleneck by having to edit all forty scripts. As a result, some students became restless and made more noise. She also realised many of the scripts she had marked were either not on- topic or lacked coherency. Many were also badly organised.
She may want to prepare extra activities for students who first early. If she just wanted them to complete their essay then she should not be bottleneck during lesson instead she may retrieve the files to edit them later. Instead she may just ensure that they are on topic and orgarnised by taking examples from those who have completed theirs so those who are on the right track can help those who aren't.
6) Finally the bell rang and Mrs Xing called it a day. She did not manage to complete the first round of editing and had to continue after school. She was determined to find ways to improve the lesson.
Introducing a new activity to children may take time, therefore teachers must be ready to provide for this time and space for children to make learning meaningful...
These comments are mostly based on my personal opinion and ideas I get from readings and videos that I watch... There's plenty more to learn especially when you are actually doing the real thing...it's easier to comment...right?
Textbook: chapter 9
Hey Sa'adah!
ReplyDeleteI don't really have much comments cause our points seem to be quite similar. Ahaha! But don't you think that the school should actually have something like a short course so that all the basic are covered especially for teachers like Mrs Xing? I think it is important for the school to invest a little to boost the morale of the teacher. This is just my thoughts!
Hi...About the course...I am not sure hidayah...but the link that I attach is a good start if they do not...ya?...thanks for your thoughts sweetheart..
ReplyDeleteHey babe!
ReplyDeleteJust my thought, instead of going for the course, perhaps she could observe lessons by the senior teacher?
Mrs. Xing could also get the students to check each others work. This can be included in her instruction at the start of the lesson. Perhaps she could pair the students up for this.
observation is a good idea definately... nevertheless attending a course conducted by a pro is good ,too right? then she may observe the teacher with more understanding of the system and see how she can apply all that the has learnt to her class...
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteMaybe Mrs Xing could have the class to be separated in groups of three? Every group should have one student who knows how the use the computer and Internet Explorer confidently. Hence, the time spent to do the assignment is being spread out nicely because the 'confident' student not only have to do his or her work but also needs to explain to the other two groupmembers on how to use the computer to complete their task. Amongst the three, the one with better language skills then can be the leader in editing his or her groupmembers work. In this way, all her students will complete the assignment at about the same time and Mrs Xing would not have to spend so much time marking all the scripts.
i think pairing up of students would be good. i read a lot of comments and the idea of pairing up always appeared. it seems old fashion but whatever works, stick to it. my teacher also paired me up last time and i think it worked. it was also good to spend quality time with my buddy and building good rapport with her was a blessing.
ReplyDeletethanx peps... now... let me see how I can summarise all these effectively....