Sunday, August 30, 2009

E-learning summary & reflection

1. Summary
I feel that all in all, Mrs Xing needs to sit down and think about her lesson objectives for her students. In her class, it seems like one of the objectives is for HER to complete marking essays, which is strange as when she is doing that IN the classroom, her students would be waiting, thus, not learning anything. If she had kept her LOs simple, maybe by the end of the lesson, her students should be able to write out a composition based on the topic and maybe get feedback from one peer and if there is time, students could revise some parts of their compos before handing them in.
Another major problem with her lesson is that her instructions are not clear right from the start of the lesson. If she had stated clearly her expectations of the standard of compositions they had to hand in at the end of the lesson, she would not get students who would do the work just for the sake of finishing it. She should sit them down in the front of the lab before they get to work on their PCs. She could also use a software which allows her to project her instructions on every PC being used by her students. This will get their attention and she can revise her instructions according to the class progress or lack of. From the video in the resource page on the wiki, one other technique she could use is to appoint some students who are stronger in using the PCs to be her helpers or guides. Thus, when there are some students who have problems, she could instruct these guides to help while she focuses on the very weak students or on monitoring the rest of the class.

Video clip on managing a full-lab enviromment

2. Reflection
I feel that through this e-learning week, it takes a lot of self-motivation to get it "right". I mean, with hardly any monitoring from the teacher/tutor, I find that it was hard for me to be really on-task and that the thing that "scares" me reli, is that my participation is graded. hee...
So I'm left wondering at the end of this e-learning week, whether my students will be as motivated to do the job. There will definitely be those who do not care about grades or punishment. They will either ignore it, or put the least effort into it. How am I going to encourage them to appreciate the ICT tools and convince them these will benefit their learning? If they don't get it, they just won't buy it. My only concern is, will using ICT really have a lot of value-add on students' learning? Or is it just a fancy way of teaching something but not as effective as lessons without too much usage of ICT?

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